Sunday, August 11, 2013

...into and through an incredible journey!

The whole team is back in the US! After many hours in airports, planes and lines, everyone is home! What a journey it was too!

I can't thank everyone enough for the prayers and support. There is probably a lot of you who don't want to read through anymore post now that we are home, however, I know that the days and weeks to come will reveal more about this trip and God. There was so much that he taught me along the way and as I reflect and process through it all, he is faithful to help me understand.

From the beginning of this journey God really had to work in me to make it less about me and more about what he wanted to do through me. Even down to the reasoning for going on this trip had some selfish motives behind it. It didn't take long before the humbling experience of these kids started to transform my heart into worshiping God.

Visiting Maria's Big House of Hope and seeing some of the special needs that these orphans had really cause me to ask some questions and even question God. I didn't, and still don't, fully understand why there is so much suffering among precious children. I wanted to make this trip about these orphans instead of making the trip about God because I didn't understand what he was trying to do through these kids. Something that God showed me through some of our team time was that regardless of what is going on in the lives of these kids, they are still his children and he still loves them unconditionally.

Although I was questioning God in some areas, he was still faithful to show himself to me and come through in other areas. One of my biggest prayers prior to this trip was that God would work in the hearts of our team to join together and work for him. God totally blessed me with the team I was able to travel and work with. I have never known someone for such a small amount of time, yet felt so close to them. Every person on our team was so different but they brought so much to our team. Saying goodbye to that team was so incredibly hard. They all hold such a special place in my heart.

God always has a plan, and he is willing to lead us if we are willing to let him. My personality is one that wants to know the big picture before I agree to take the next step. This isn't how God works and it isn't that kind of faith he has called us to. The Lord was faithful to show me that he is leading me to the next step of my journey. I don't know where I will ultimately end up with my life, I don't know if I will spend the rest of my life in China caring for orphans, but I do know that there is a path God has put me on. My desire is to follow this path, regardless of how far down the path I can see. He is so much greater than I am, and I want to trust that his plan is so much greater than I could ever imagine for myself.

Please continue to pray for the children at Maria's! They all need healing, they all need families and they all need to someday experience a relationship with the father that will never leave them!

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